Definition 2025


með lögum skal land byggja



með lögum skal land byggja

  1. "a country shall be built by laws", "the land will be built by laws", "with laws shall we build the land", the motto of Shetland, Víkingasveitin and the Icelandic Police

Related terms

  • Danish: mæth logh skal land byggiæs, med lov skal land bygges
  • Faroese: við lóg skal land byggjast
  • Norwegian: med Lov skal Landet byggjast
  • Swedish: land skall med lag byggas, med lag skall land byggas

See also

  • In Njáls saga the proverb með lögum skal land byggja en með ólögum eyða (land shall be built by laws, but desolated without them; with laws shall land be built, but desolated without laws) appears. In the Frostathing Law the passage at lögum skal land várt byggja en eigi at ulögum øyða (our land shall be built on laws and not desolated with lawlessness) appears.