Definition 2025





molybdomancy (uncountable)

  1. Divination by interpreting shapes formed when molten lead is dropped into water.
    • 1957, Robert Plank, “Spontaneous Projection of Meaningful Forms”, in Journal of Projective Techniques, page 146:
      The place of molybdomancy is also to be located in the uncertain border area between spontaneous and solicited projection.
    • 1971 January, Tak Hallus, “Homage”, in Analog Science Fiction / Science Fact, page 67:
      There was a happy group in Tallahassee swapping wives on the basis of molybdomancy.
    • 2003, Raymond Buckland, The Fortune-Telling Book, page 199:
      Dropping hot lead or tin into water was another method occasionally employed by the Etruscans in a version of molybdomancy, much like ceromancy.


  • 1713, Fabricii Bibliographia Antiquaria
    Molybdomantia, ex plumbi liqvefacti divers motibus.
  • 1727, Bailey, The Universal Etym. Eng. Dict.
    MOLUBDOMANCY [molybdomanteia of molybdos Lead, and manteia Divination, Gr.] a divining, an observing the motions, Figures, &c. of melted Lead.
  • 1931, de Givry, Lock tr., Picture Museum of Sorcery
    Molybdomancy was divination by melted lead; drops of it were allowed to fall into water, and the resulting noises and hissings listened to.
