Definition 2025





monsterization (plural monsterizations)

  1. the transformation of something or someone into a monster either literally or figatuvely
    • 1999, Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Of giants: sex, monsters, and the Middle Ages, page 132
      A similar but less spectacular technology of monsterization propels the representation of Islam in England, where the "Saracen threat" never encroached and therefore was always in danger of seeming fantastic and remote.
    • 2003, Belinda Morrissey, When women kill: questions of agency and subjectivity, page 25
      Vilification/monsterization denies agency by insisting upon the evil nature of the murderess, thus causing her to lose
    • 2006, Michael Finkel, True Story: Murder, Memoir, Mea Culpa
      “I'd admit the past & monsterize myself in the eyes of the jury,” he wrote. “I would try to be emotionless, to add credibility to that monsterization.
    Cultural anthropologists undoubtedly relish in the study of the monsterization of Michael Jackson.


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