Definition 2025



See also: neatkarībā



neatkarība f (4th declension)

  1. independence (the state of one who is not subject to the control, power or authority of someone else)
    es tevi apskaužu tavas neatkarības dēļ... pilnīgi viens tu stāvi pasaulē ― I envy you because of your independence... you stand fully alone (= indepedent) in the world
    aktieris tiecas pēc neatkarības, pats sev ņem lomu, traktē to, pats ir uzveduma režisors ― the actor strives for independence, he fully takes (= owns, controls) the role, he treats it as if he were the director of the show
  2. independence (status of a country or people that is free from the control or political power; the acquisition of such status)
    Latvijas neatkarības diena ― Latvian independence day
    latviešu tauta cīnījās par savu brīvību un neatkarību ― the Latvian people fought for its freedom and independence
    lielākā daļa bijušo koloniālo zemju atbrīvojusies, ieguvusi neatkarību ― most of the former colonial lands have become free, (they) have obtained independence
  3. independence (the state of that which is independent, not linked to or controled by anything else)
    iekārtas darbības neatkarība ― an institution's operational independence




Related terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), atkarība”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7