Definition 2025



See also: nepareizībā



nepareizība f (4th declension)

  1. (singular only) wrongness, incorrectness, inadequacy (the state or quality of that which is wrong, incorrect, inadequate, improper)
    aprēķina nepareizība ― the incorrectness of the calculation
    jaunās teorijas nepareizība ― the incorrectness of the new theory
    lēmuma nepareizība ― the incorrectness of the decision
    priekšstata nepareizība ― the incorrectness of an idea, a concept
    kasācijas sūdzībā vai protestā jānorāda, kā izpaužas sprieduma nepareizība ― the cassation complaint or protest must demonstrate that there was obvious judgment incorrectness (= that the verdict was obviously wrong)
    stājas nepareizības veids ir apaļi ieliektā mugura ― one kind of postural incorrectness (= one kind of incorrect posture) is the concave back
  2. error, mistake, deviation from accepted norms
    izrunas nepareizības ― pronunciation mistakes
    atrast projektā nepareizības ― to find errors in the project
    rakstu zīmes es pazīstu un arī uzšņāpt tās protu... bet man sanāk vairākas nepareizības katrā vārdā ― I know the letters and I also can carve them... but I end up with several errors in every word

