Definition 2025





nerdette (plural nerdettes)

  1. A female nerd.
    • 2001, P. T. Deutermann, Hunting Season, St. Martin's Press (2002), ISBN 0312979061, page 141:
      He shook his head. "It's in your impound lot. You know what a Barrett light fifty is?"
      "I'm a materials forensics nerdette, so, no. What's a Barrett light fifty?"
    • 2008, Madeleine George, Looks, Viking (2008), ISBN 9780670061679, unnumbered page:
      You might expect literary magazine to be filled with Goth kids and weirdos, but at this school lit mag attracts the best of the good girls, awkward nerdettes who care about Emily Dickinson and dream of the day they'll get their letter from Swathmore, []
    • 2009, Brian D'Amato, In the Courts of the Sun, Dutton (2009), ISBN 9781101028735, unnumbered page:
      We thought I might do a few little tricks to impress her—make a barometer or a floating compass, say, or draw an ellipse with a trammel, or just clue her in to, say, fractions. Assuming she was enough of a nerdette to be impressed by such things, []
