Definition 2025





nogurums m (1st declension)

  1. tiredness, fatigue (the decrease of energy that results from prolonged activity)
    viegls, stiprs nogurums ― mild, strong fatigue
    fiziskais, garīgais nogurums ― physical, mental fatigue
    noguruma sajūta ― feeling of tiredness
    strādāt līdz nogurumam ― to work to exhaustion
    aizdzīt nogurumu ― to dispel the fatigue
    viņš jutās briesmīgi noguris, tā noguris, kā šo nogurumu laikam neizgulēt pašā ilgākajā un saldākajā miegā ― he felt terribly tired, so tired, that he probably wouldn't be able to get rid of this tiredness even with the longest, sweetest sleep
  2. (technology) fatigue (phenomenon whereby a material begins to show cracks because of long-term exposure to varying levels of tension)
    materiāla nogurums ― material fatigue
    mašīnas detaļas nogurums ― machinery part fatigue
    noguruma plaisafatigue crack
    noguruma robežafatigue limit


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