Definition 2025





noteikums m (1st declension)

  1. (usually plural) rules, regulations (norms that must be obeyed in a certain sector of activity, profession, or situation)
    tehniskie, sanitārie noteikumi ― technical, sanitary regulations
    satiksmes noteikumi ― traffic regulations
    skolas iekšējās kārtības noteikumi ― a school's internal regulations
    ugunsdrošības noteikumi ― fire regulations
    pareizrakstības noteikumi ― spelling rules
  2. condition, requirement (a necessity or prerequisite for something)
    izdevīgi kredīta noteikumi ― favorable credit conditions, terms
    Ziltars nebija dabūjis vairāk aizņemties kā vecu arklu un sieku rudzu ar noteikumu, ka rudenī jāatdod divi sieki vietā ― Ziltars couldn't obtain more than an old plow and a bushel of rye, under the condition that later in autumn he would return two bushels
  3. basis, principle, provision (prerequisites for the existence or development of something; also, circumstances that support or foster it)
    pirmais noteikums māksliniekam: redzēt cita acij neredzamo un dzirdēt citam nesadzirdzamo ― the first provision for artists: to see what is invisible to the eyes of others and to hear what is unhearable to others



  • (of "rules, regulations"): likums, norma
  • (of "condition", "requirement", "provision"): nosacījums, prasība