Webster 1913 Edition
That branch of physical science which treats of the nature and properties of light, the laws of its modification by opaque and transparent bodies, and the phenomena of vision.
Webster 1828 Edition
Definition 2025
See also: òptics
optics (uncountable)
- (physics) The physics of light and vision.
- The light-related aspects of a device.
- The optics of this telescope are particularly good.
- 2013 September-October, Henry Petroski, “The Evolution of Eyeglasses”, in American Scientist:
- Digging deeper, the invention of eyeglasses is an elaboration of the more fundamental development of optics technology. The ability of a segment of a glass sphere to magnify whatever is placed before it was known around the year 1000, when the spherical segment was called a reading stone, […] .
- (figuratively) Perception, image, public relations.
- 2007 January 1, Mark Steyn, "Blowing a 'hinge moment' of history", in The Jerusalem Post:
- […] I'd be interested to know whether US authorities proffered any "advice" on the optics: Ixnay on the torture dungeon, […] ; if you have to have victims' loved ones present, go for the widows and photogenic orphans rather than Moqtada's boys.
- 2015 September 28, Dan Neil, quoted in "Pope Francis and the little black car", BBC News:
- "There's also a gentle nod to the Vatican and Italy, which shows the Pope is not above playing a little optics - I'm sure he and the CEO of Fiat have met."
- 2007 January 1, Mark Steyn, "Blowing a 'hinge moment' of history", in The Jerusalem Post:
physics of light and vision
public relations
Etymology 2
- plural of optic