Definition 2025
- (Anglo-Saxon, heathenry) Fate; destiny.
- 2004, Nathaniel Harris, Witcha: A Book of Cunning:
- There laws they laid, there life chose, To men's sons, and spoke orlay [...]
- 2006, An Heathen Reader: Some Thoughts on the State of Things I Think,
- I am fully aware of how Oaths affect my Orlay and my Wyrd. I am Oathed to no one, save the Holy Ones and my Wife.
- 2009, Alaric Albertsson, Travels Through Middle Earth:
- You could think of your own orlay as the source or seed of your “personal wyrd.” A newborn infant initially inherits its orlay from its parents and ancestors. This initial orlay is its heritage, compiled from the words and deeds of those ancestors.
- 2011, Swain Wodening, The Sacred and the Holy:
- These deeds done within the innangard of the tribe by its tribesmen are its law, its orlay.
- 2004, Nathaniel Harris, Witcha: A Book of Cunning: