Definition 2025



See also: pangendered



pan-gendered (not comparable)

  1. Alternative form of pangendered
    • 1997, Bonnie Bullough, ‎Vern L. Bullough, ‎& James Elias, Gender Blending, page 68:
      As an individual, as a heterosexual cross-dresser who is not transsexual, I have often thought that the goal of my journey, the outcome of my own queerness, must be some sort of integration, some sort of coming together in a pan-gendered whole that will combine the best of both worlds.
    • 2012, Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Purple Passages: Pound, Eliot, Zukofsky, Olson, Creeley, and the Ends of Patriarchal Poetry, ISBN 1609380843:
      Postbinarist, pan-gendered work has been done over the past decades by such cultural critics as Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Griselda Pollock, and Barbara Johnson—all serious general influences here.
    • 2015, Surya Monro, Bisexuality: Identities, Politics, and Theories, ISBN 1137007311:
      For example, Maya Ganesh relates the 'concept of the Omni-erotic and pan-gendered deity Shiva [who] appears through Hindu, Buddhist, and Tantric streams of philosophy and ritual' (2009, p.100) to her own identity development.
    • 2015, Terence Diggory, Encyclopedia of the New York School Poets, ISBN 1438140665:
      So, yes, (James as) transsexual but really in a fantastical sense of pan-gendered, a body beyond (trans) anything we currently know" (Szymaszek, interview n.p.).