Definition 2025





pedipulator (plural pedipulators)

  1. (rare) One who performs dexterous manipulations of objects using the feet.
    • 1913, Flight International, vol. 4, p. 1112 (Google view) (retrieved 26 Sept 2013):
      Mr. Valazzi, the famous juggler and pedipulator now appearing at London halls has joined the school in order to add to his many accomplishments the art of flying.
    • 1926, "The Player Piano," The Encyclopædia Britannica, 13th edition, vols. 29-30, p. 1006 (Google snippet view) (retrieved 26 Sept 2013):
      The foot-pedalled player piano permits its "pedipulator" to enjoy the feeling of being actually an interpretative, perhaps even a creative, artist.
  2. (robotics) A component mechanism which gives a robot the capability of walking; a robot having such a capability.
    • 1962, "Walking Machine," Industrial Marketing, vol. 47, issues 7-12, p. 61 (Google snippet view) (retrieved 26 Sept 2013):
      General Electric has been awarded an initial study contract which may lead to the building of a "pedipulator"— a manned walking vehicle intended to replace wheeled or tracked military carriers under certain conditions.
    • 1967 March 23, "Potential of 'Metal Men' Unlimited," Calgary Herald Magazine, p. 12 (retrieved 26 Sept 2013):
      In a laboratory in California, a machine which walk across any surface, however uneven, is undergoing final tests. Known as a pedipulator, it can carry a 26-pound pack of delicate instruments on its back at a speed of five miles an hour.
    • 1984, Adam Morecki et al., Cybernetic Systems of Limb Movements in Man, Animals, and Robots, ISBN 9780470273746, p. 63 (Google preview) (retrieved 26 Sept 2013):
      Each of the "legs" of a walking machine can be treated as a pedipulator.
    • 2006, Lino Marques et al., "Robust Platform for Humanitarian Demining" in Climbing and Walking Robots, ISBN 9783540294610, p. 1098 (Google preview) (retrieved 26 Sept 2013):
      Due to the adaptive possibilities of the pedipulators to obstacles, the robot can adjust the working position of the demining sensors while searching landmines.
  3. (very rare, humorous) A foot.[1]

Related terms


  1. Oxford English Dictionary, 3rd ed., 2005.