Definition 2025
- populi in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
- Félix Gaffiot (1934), “populi”, in Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Paris: Hachette.
- Meissner, Carl; Auden, Henry William (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
(ambiguous) the plague breaks out in the city: pestilentia (not pestis) in urbem (populum) invadit
(ambiguous) to write a history of Rome: res populi Romani perscribere
(ambiguous) to have an appreciative audience: populum facilem, aequum habere
(ambiguous) to address a meeting of the people: verba facere apud populum, in contione
(ambiguous) the dregs of the people: faex populi, plebis, civitatis
(ambiguous) to summon an assembly of the people: convocare populi concilium and populum ad concilium
(ambiguous) to propose a law in the popular assembly: legem ferre or simply ferre ad populum, ut...
(ambiguous) to formally propose a law to the people: legem rogare or rogare populum (cf. sect. XVI. 4, note Aulus Gellius...)
(ambiguous) popular favour; popularity: populi favor, gratia popularis
(ambiguous) to court popularity: gratiam populi quaerere
(ambiguous) public opinion: existimatio populi, hominum
(ambiguous) unpopularity: offensio populi, popularis
(ambiguous) unpopularity: offensa populi voluntas
(ambiguous) democracy: imperium populi or populare, civitas or res publica popularis
(ambiguous) to be a leading spirit of the popular cause: populi causam agere
(ambiguous) to enslave a free people: liberum populum servitute afficere
(ambiguous) to grant a people its independence: populum liberum esse, libertate uti, sui iuris esse pati
(ambiguous) the censors hold a census of the people: censores censent populum
(ambiguous) to appeal to the people: provocare ad populum (Liv. 2. 55)
(ambiguous) a matter is referred (for decision) from the senate to the people: a senatu res ad populum reicitur
(ambiguous) to be on friendly terms with the Roman people: in amicitia populi Romani esse (Liv. 22. 37)
(ambiguous) to reduce a country to subjection to oneself: populum in potestatem suam redigere (B. G. 2. 34)
(ambiguous) to reduce a country to subjection to oneself: populum in deditionem venire cogere
(ambiguous) to accept the submission of a people: populum in deditionem accipere
(ambiguous) to subjugate a nation: populum perdomare, subigere
(ambiguous) to make oneself master of a people, country: populum, terram suo imperio, suae potestati subicere (not sibi by itself)
(ambiguous) Asia was made subject to Rome: Asia populi Romani facta est
(ambiguous) the plague breaks out in the city: pestilentia (not pestis) in urbem (populum) invadit
- populi in William Smith., editor (1854, 1857) A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography, volume 1 & 2, London: Walton and Maberly