Definition 2025






  1. first-person singular present indicative of produrre



From prō- + dūcō (lead; draw).



prōdūcō (present infinitive prōdūcere, perfect active prōdūxī, supine prōductum); third conjugation, irregular short imperative

  1. I lead or bring forth, forward or out.
  2. I conduct to; bring before, present.
  3. I draw or stretch out, lengthen, extend.
  4. I bring to light, disclose, expose.
  5. I advance, draw out.
  6. I bring forth, bear, beget; bring up, rear, educate.
  7. I expose for sale.
  8. I place one thing before another.
  9. (grammar, of pronunciation) I lengthen, prolong.
  10. (figuratively) I bring into use, make, invent devise, produce.
  11. (figuratively) I raise, promote, advance.
  12. (figuratively) I lead or induce someone to do something, entice.
  13. (figuratively) I draw or drag out, lengthen out, prolong, protract.
  14. (figuratively, of time) I pass, spend.
  15. (figuratively) I plant, cultivate.


   Conjugation of produco (third conjugation, irregular short imperative)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present prōdūcō prōdūcis prōdūcit prōdūcimus prōdūcitis prōdū****
imperfect prōdūcēbam prōdūcēbās prōdūcēbat prōdūcēbāmus prōdūcēbātis prōdūcēbant
future prōdūcam prōdūcēs prōdūcet prōdūcēmus prōdūcētis prōdūcent
perfect prōdūxī prōdūxistī prōdūxit prōdūximus prōdūxistis prōdūxērunt, prōdūxēre
pluperfect prōdūxeram prōdūxerās prōdūxerat prōdūxerāmus prōdūxerātis prōdūxerant
future perfect prōdūxerō prōdūxeris prōdūxerit prōdūxerimus prōdūxeritis prōdūxerint
passive present prōdūcor prōdūceris, prōdūcere prōdūcitur prōdūcimur prōdūciminī prōdūcuntur
imperfect prōdūcēbar prōdūcēbāris, prōdūcēbāre prōdūcēbātur prōdūcēbāmur prōdūcēbāminī prōdūcēbantur
future prōdūcar prōdūcēris, prōdūcēre prōdūcētur prōdūcēmur prōdūcēminī prōdūcentur
perfect prōductus + present active indicative of sum
pluperfect prōductus + imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect prōductus + future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present prōdūcam prōdūcās prōdūcat prōdūcāmus prōdūcātis prōdūcant
imperfect prōdūcerem prōdūcerēs prōdūceret prōdūcerēmus prōdūcerētis prōdūcerent
perfect prōdūxerim prōdūxerīs prōdūxerit prōdūxerīmus prōdūxerītis prōdūxerint
pluperfect prōdūxissem prōdūxissēs prōdūxisset prōdūxissēmus prōdūxissētis prōdūxissent
passive present prōdūcar prōdūcāris, prōdūcāre prōdūcātur prōdūcāmur prōdūcāminī prōdūcantur
imperfect prōdūcerer prōdūcerēris, prōdūcerēre prōdūcerētur prōdūcerēmur prōdūcerēminī prōdūcerentur
perfect prōductus + present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect prōductus + imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present prōdūc, prōdūce prōdūcite
future prōdūcitō prōdūcitō prōdūcitōte prōdū****ō
passive present prōdūcere prōdūciminī
future prōdūcitor prōdūcitor prōdūcuntor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives prōdūcere prōdūxisse prōductūrus esse prōdūcī prōductus esse prōductum īrī
participles prōdūcēns prōductūrus prōductus prōdūcendus
verbal nouns gerund supine
nominative genitive dative/ablative accusative accusative ablative
prōdūcere prōdūcendī prōdūcendō prōdūcendum prōductum prōductū

Derived terms

Related terms



  • produco in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • produco in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • Félix Gaffiot (1934), “produco”, in Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Paris: Hachette.
  • Meissner, Carl; Auden, Henry William (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • to introduce a character on the stage: in scaenam producere aliquem
    • to lengthen the pronunciation of a syllable or letter: syllabam, litteram producere (opp. corripere) (Quintil. 9. 4. 89)
    • to prolong a conversation far into the night: sermonem producere in multam noctem (Rep. 6. 10. 10)
    • to produce as a witness: aliquem testem producere
    • to lead the army to the fight: exercitum educere or producere in aciem