Webster 1913 Edition



[L., fr. Gr. [GREEK];
a face, a person + [GREEK] to make.]
A figure by which things are represented as persons, or by which things inanimate are spoken of as animated beings; also, a figure by which an absent person is introduced as speaking, or a deceased person is represented as alive and present. It includes personification, but is more extensive in its signification.

Definition 2025



See also: prosopopœia


Alternative forms


prosopopoeia (plural prosopopoeias or prosopopoeiae)

  1. (rhetoric) Personifying a person or object when communicating to an audience.
    • 1872, Thomas Hartwell Horne, An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, Volume 2‎ - Page 334:
      Of the prosopopoeia, or personification, there are two kinds; one, when actions and character are attributed to irrational, or even inanimate objects; the other, when a probable but fictitious speech is assigned to a real character.
    • 2013, Graham Harvey, Animism: Respecting the Living World, page 4:
      Hence the frequency and beauty of the prosopopoeia in poetry, where trees, mountains, and streams are personified, and the inanimate parts of nature acquire sentiment and passion.
  2. Personification of an abstraction.

See also