Definition 2025


public-private partnership


Alternative forms


public-private partnership (plural public-private partnerships)

  1. (politics, government, business) An arrangement by which one or more private firms agrees to fund, create, or operate a facility, service, or other element of public infrastructure (such as a school, hospital, or highway) which is usually the sole responsibility of government, in return for all or some of the revenue generated by that facility or service.
    • 1955 Aug. 1955, Jack Steele, "**** Breaks Loose Over ****'s Canyon," Florence Times (Alabama, USA), p. 6 (retrieved 15 Oct 2012):
      Secretary of the Interior Douglas McKay, who will lead the administration's side of the fight, has long argued that power resources should be developed through a public-private partnership, with private enterprise being given projects that it is willing and able to build.
    • 2001 Feb. 26, Matthew Cooper, "Presidential Libraries: The Price Isn't Right," Time:
      In 1955, Congress passed the Presidential Libraries Act, which created a public-private partnership: an ex-President would raise money to build his library, but Washington would pick up most of the tab for maintaining the documents housed there.
    • 2008 Aug. 27, Jenny Anderson, "Cities Debate Privatizing Public Infrastructure ," New York Times (retrieved 15 Oct 2012):
      Just outside the nation's capital, a $1.9 billion public-private partnership will finance new high-occupancy toll lanes around Washington.
    • 2012 Sep. 20, Tess Kalinowski, "Stintz to Metrolinx: Don’t expect a TTC subsidy for new LRT," The Star (Toronto, Canada) (retrieved 15 Oct 2012):
      Chiarelli defended the government’s decision to use a public-private partnership to build, design, finance, maintain and operate the LRTs [light-rail transports].


  • P3, P3, PPP,public private partnership
