Definition 2025




Pusnakts (2)


pusnakts f (6th declension)

  1. midnight (the middle of the night, when the sun is at its lowest point under the horizon)
    pusnakts stundamidnight hour (= the middle of the night)
    patiesā pusnakts ― true midnight (moment of sun's lowest point)
    vidēja pusnakts ― average midnight (average moment of sun's lowest point)
    dzīres ievilkās pāri pusnaktij ― the feast continued on after midnight
    mēnesi varēja gaidīt tikai ap pusnakti ― the moon could be seen only around midnight
    par zemi baltās pusnakts klusums iet ― over the earth, the white silence of midnight is going (around)
  2. midnight {{gloss|a moment in time, 24:00 or 00:00)
    vecais pulkstenis sit divpadsmit reižu... tātad: pusnakts ― the old clock hit twelve times... therefore: (it's) midnight
    trešajā naktī Andrejs bija sardzē no pusnakts līdz četriem ― in the third night, Andrej was the night watch from midnight to four (o'clock a.m.)



See also