Definition 2025





rūgtums m (1st declension)

  1. bitterness (the quality of that which is, tastes, smells bitter)
    otrā rītā mutē gruzdēja iepriekšējā vakarā izdzertās kafijas rūgtums ― the next morning the bitterness of the coffee drunk the previous night was smoldering in the mouth
    vislabāk pīlādžus novākt pēc pirmajām rudens salnām, kad augļiem

rūgtums samazinājies — it is better to gather rowans after the first autumn frosts, when the bitterness of the fruits decreases

  1. savāds rūgtums kāpa meitenei kaklā ― a strange bitterness rose in the girl's throat (e.g., from disgust)
    ievas vīta, piepildīdamas mazo telpu ar reibinošu rūgtumu ― the bird-cherry trees twisted, filling the small space with an intoxicating bitterness (= bitter smell)
  2. (figuratively) bitterness (feeling caused by the memory of painful experiences, suffering, hardship)
    neveiksmju rūgtums ― the bitterness of failure
    pārmetumu rūgtums ― the bitterness of reprimands, accusations
    rūgtuma pilni vārdi ― words full of bitterness
    balsī skan rūgtumsbitterness sounded in (his) voice
    viss rūgtums, apsmiekls un sāpes, ko es šodien biju pārdzīvojis, sakāpa manā mazajā galvā un kļuva par apziņu, ka es mazo baronu acīs neesmu nekas vairāk kā suns ― all the bitterness, mockery and pain that I experienced today came into my little head and became the realization that in the small barons' eyes I am nothing more than a dog
    viņa bija izgājusi cauri visām pārdzīvojumu ellēm... šajās acīs un lūpu kaktiņos brīžiem pavīdēja rūgtums kā smaga ēna ― she had gone through all hells of experiences (= she had experienced all ****)... in those (= her) eyes and lip corners at times the bitterness appeared for a moment like a heavy shadow


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