Definition 2025






  1. nominative plural masculine form of redzams



  1. adverbial form of redzams
  2. (with acīm (“to the eye")) visibly; quickly
    ķēve vairs nebija nekāda straujā skrējēja, no tā trakā svētku brauciena bieži klepoja un acīm redzami sāka sašļukt ― the mare was no longer a fast runner, from (= because of) that crazy holiday run she frequently coughed and visibly/quickly began to slip
    varēja sagaidīt, ka Tenis šo ziņu uzklausīs ar laimīgu smaidu, bet viņa pārdzīvojums izpaudās pavisam citādi: viņš briesmīgi uztraucās un acīm redzami sadrūma ― one could expect that Tenis would hear this news with a happy smile, but his past experience expressed itself in a completely different way: he was terribly worried and became quickly/visibly sad
  3. (with acīm (“to the eye")) apparently, seemingly; clearly, obviously
    acīm redzami, mācītājs domās pārskrēja visiem galvas gabaliem, meklēdams to grūtākoclearly, the priest, in his thoughts, ran over all the head pieces (= people), looking for the most difficult one
    acīm redzami, vilciniem laiks atiet: lokomotīve tusnīja nepacietīgiapparently/clearly, it was time for the train to leave: the locomotive was puffing impatiently

Usage notes

Beside the (derivative) “quickly” meaning, the Latvian expression acīm redzami (and its synonym acīmredzot) has, like English apparently, two context-dependent, almost opposite meanings: “seemingly” (= “from what can be seen”, “not necessarily true”) and “obviously” (= “easy to see”, “true”); cf. Russian очевидно (očevídno).
