Definition 2025
- (rare) A female that requests; a female requester.
- 1920: Cyrus Townsend Brady (?), The Ring and the Man, page 37 (Jarrolds)
- It amazed Gormly too, when requests and requester — or should I say requestress? — were both promptly referred to him.
- 1979: Ray Coryton Hutchinson [aut.], Martyn Skinner [aut.], and Rupert Hart-Davis [ed.], Two Men of Letters: Correspondence Between R.C. Hutchinson, Novelist, and Martyn Skinner, Poet, 1957–1974, page 173 (Joseph; ISBN 0718118413, 9780718118419)
- Some time during the summer I produced, by request, a ballad for a Girl Guides’ Pageant on the subject of Drake’s Cannon-Ball, a local legend. It was (also by request) in the stanza of ‘Young Lochinvar’, and occupied me three days. The requestress was in raptures, but then she doesn’t know a trochee from an iambus (nor, for that matter – like de la Mare – do I).
- 1920: Cyrus Townsend Brady (?), The Ring and the Man, page 37 (Jarrolds)