Definition 2025


road to Damascus



road to Damascus

  1. (idiomatic) An important point in someone's life where a great change, or reversal, of ideas or beliefs occurs.
    • 2007, Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, addressing the CPAC in March. onenewsnow
      Today we hear a lot about those who have had what's often called Road to Damascus experiences on every issue from guns and same-sex marriage to the sanctity-of-life and taxes.
    • 2007, Bryan Ferry, The Observer, Sunday March 18, 2007
      That was my Road to Damascus moment. They played one hit after another and this is the song I remember most clearly.
    • 2010, Vernon Jones, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Sunday February 14, 2010
      The candidate is aggressively branding himself as Vernon 2.0, a kinder, gentler Vernon Jones, a bridge builder, a fence mender. Asked by a Rockdale editor about his “road to Damascus moment,” Jones laughs. “I got knocked off my donkey,” he says.

Usage notes

  • Often used attributively.

See also
