Definition 2025





sēdeklis m (2nd declension)

  1. seat (an object or place for sitting)
    velosipēda sēdeklis ― bicycle seat
    ciets sēdeklis ― hard seat
    tramvajs ar mīkstiem sēdekļiem ― a tram with soft seats
    sēdekļa atzveltne ― the seat's backrest
    atlaisties sēdeklī ― to lie back, to relax on a seat
    iekārtoties sēdeklī ērtāk ― to settle more comfortably on the seat
    teātra direktora Kalēja kabinets bija cilvēku pilns; visiem nepietika sēdekļu, tāpēc daži sēdēja uz augstajām klubkrēslu malām ― theater director Kalējs' office was full of people; there weren't enough seats for everybody, so many sat on the edge of the armchairs
  2. (of organizations, institutions, etc.) seat, headquarters (place, usually a city, but also a building, a room, etc., where an organization, especially its main executive branch, works permanently)
    Somijā vienmēr plaši tiek rīkotas masu akcijas, atsaucoties uz visiem pasākumiem, kurus organizē Vispasaules miera padome, arī tās sēdeklis atrodas Helsinkos ― in Finland mass actions are always organized, in response to the activities organized by the World Peace Council, the seat, headquarters of which is/are in Helsinki
    Latgalē 17. gadsimtā tika nodibināta arī īpaša Poļu Inflantijas bīskapija... bīskapu sēdeklis sākumā bija Varšavā, bet vēlāk tika pārcelts uz Daugavpili ― in Latgale in the 17th century, the special Polish Inflanty diocese was founded... the bishop's seat was at first in Warsaw, but later was transferred to Daugavpils.


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