Definition 2025





salns (def. salnais, comp. salnāks, sup. vissalnākais; adv. salni)

  1. (of animal, especially horse, hair) roan-colored (having the kind of color created by even mixture of white and colored hairs)
    salna ķēveroan mare
    Mārcis piekļāva galvu salnā kumeļa krēpēm ― Mārcis pressed (his) head in (= against) the roan colt's mane
    salnais sāk rikšot ― the roan one (= horse) started trotting, cantering
  2. (of other entities) having a color similar to that of a roan horse
    pavasaros zaļš un skaļš, ziemās salns ― in spring green and noisy, in winter roan (= whitish brown)
    debesīs auļo mākoņi salni ― in the sky roan (= whitish brown) clouds gallop
  3. (figuratively, of people's hair) grayish
    tīk, netīk melnu matu zīds, / bet cienām galvu salnu ― the silk of black hair (= younger people) may please or not please / but we respect a roan (= grayish) head (= older people)
    dzirdot jaunās atraitnes skumji priecīgo balsi, viņa salnajā bārdā noritēja dažas asaras ― hearing the sadly joyful voice of the young widow, a few tears moved in his roan (= grayish) beard


Related terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), salns”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7