Webster 1913 Edition



Any one of several species of elasmobranch fishes of the genus
. They have a sharklike form, but are more nearly allied to the rays. The flattened and much elongated snout has a row of stout toothlike structures inserted along each edge, forming a sawlike organ with which it mutilates or kills its prey.

Definition 2025




Smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata)



sawfish (plural sawfishes)

  1. Any ray (marine fish with a flat body and wing-like fins) of the family Pristidae, having a snout that resembles a saw.
    • 2002, Maurice Burton, Robert Burton, Sawfish, entry in International Wildlife Encyclopedia, Volume 16: Rifleman - sea slug, page 2238,
      The sawlike snout that gives the sawfish its common name may represent up to one-third of its total body length. Despite its sharklike shape, the sawfish is more closely related to rays.
    • 2006, Glenn R. Parsons, Sharks, Skates, and Rays of the Gulf of Mexico: A Field Guide, page 123,
      Because of their sharklike appearance, people often refer to the sawfishes as sharks. However, they are actually related to the skates and rays because the gills are ventral, the eyes are on top of the head, and the pectoral fins are attached to the head.
    • 2015 June 6, Sawfish babies don’t need a dad, New Scientist, Issue 3024, page 17,
      Smalltooth sawfish native to rivers in south-west Florida appear to have given birth without sex – essentially cloning themselves.
      The sawfish (Pristis pectinata) – a type of ray that grows up to 7 metres long – is a critically endangered species. [] The sawfish is the first vertebrate shown to use parthenogenesis in the wild.

Derived terms


See also