self-control (uncountable)
- The ability to control one's desires and impulses; willpower.
ability to control one's desires and impulses
- Afrikaans: selfbeheersing
- Catalan: autocontrol (ca) m
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 自我控制 (zìwǒ kòngzhì), 自制力 (zh) (zìzhìlì), 自我克制 (zìwǒ kèzhì), 自制 (zh) (zìzhì)
- Czech: sebeovládání n
- Danish: selvkontrol c
- Dutch: zelfcontrole m, f
- Esperanto: memregado
- Finnish: itsehillintä
- French: contrôle de soi m, maîtrise de soi (fr) f
- German: Selbstkontrolle (de) f, Selbstbeherrschung (de) f
- Greek: αυτοέλεγχος (el) m (aftoélenchos)
- Hungarian: önfegyelem (hu)
- Interlingua: autocontrolo
- Japanese: 自制 (じせい, jisei), 自粛 (ja) (じしゅく, jishuku), セルフコントロール (serufukontorōru)
See also