Definition 2025


sensu stricto

See also: senso stricto



sensu stricto

  1. (taxonomy) (Often abbreviated: s.s., s. str., sens. str. or sens. strict.) In the narrow sense. Added after a taxon to mean the taxon is being used in the sense of the original author, or without taxa which may otherwise be associated with it.


  • English, 1986, Wendy B. Zomlefer, Common Florida Angiosperm Families, volume 1, page 73
    Relevant to Florida species is Thorne's inclusion of the Agavaceae and Amaryllidaceae in the family. The Liliaceae sensu stricto have been defined as having actinomorphic flowers, six stamens, and most importantly, a superior ovary.
  • English, 2000, Arthur Jonathan Shaw, Bernard Goffinet (eds.) Bryophyte Biology, page 71
    Among the bryophytes, mosses (the Bryophyta sensu stricto) are the most speciose group, comprising approximately 10000 or more species.
  • French, 2009, François Couplan, Le régal végétal: Plantes sauvages comestibles, page 76
    Celle-ci (Liliaceae sensu stricto) est principalement une source de plantes ornementales.
  • Russian, 2010, А.С. Захаров, "Налоговое право ЕС" page 79
    Похоже, что Суд ЕС действительно учитывал эту пропорциональность sensu stricto как в решении по делу Marks & Spencer2, так и в решении по делу N3.
  • Spanish, 2004, Ernesto Velázquez Montes, Rosa María Fonseca, Manual de Prácticas de Laboratorio: Briofitas, Pteridofitas y Gimnospermas, page 31
    División Bryophyta (Sensu stricto)
  • Swedish, 1985, Svensk botanisk tidskrift, 79: 12
    Liliaceae sensu stricto är en i stort sett nordhe- misfärisk familj med centrum i Asien.



  • stricto sensu



Ablative case of sēnsus (sense) and strictus (tight, close).


sēnsū strictō

  1. In the narrow sense; narrowly.
