Definition 2025






smiekls m (1st declension)

  1. (usually plural) laugh, laughter (rhythmic, relatively short vocal sound produced by humans to express mirth, joy, well-being, but also contempt, rejection)
    priecīgi smiekli ― happy laugh, laughter
    labsirdīgi smiekli ― good-natured laugh
    skaļi smiekli ― loud laughter
    klusi smiekli ― quiet laughter
    ļauni smiekli ― evil laughter
    valdīt smeklus ― to control one's laugh (= to refrain from laughing)
    izspiest smieklu ― to squeeze out a laugh (= to make oneself laugh)
    plīst no, aiz smiekliem ― to burst into laughter
    izplūst smieklos ― to start laughing (lit. to exude in laughter)
    viņas smiekli skanēja dzidri un gaiši ― her laughter sounded clear and bright
    apkārt Andrim skan tik sirsnīgi smiekli, ka pilnīgi pret paša gribu arī Andris sāk smaidīt, un tad jau viņš skaļi smejas ― around Andris there was such sincere, warm laughter, that wholly against his will Andris began to smile, and soon he was laughing loudly
  2. (in art) laugh (humor, satire)
    mākslā vajadzīgi šie kontrasti: smiekli un nopietnība, bezbēdība un traģika ― art needs these contrasts: laughter and seriousness, light-heartedness and tragedy
  3. (colloquial) trifle (something insignificant, unimportant)
    kā atnācu, tā arī aiziešu, nav jau nemaz tik tālu; vasarā tīrais smiekls... ar divriteni pusstundā ― as I came, I will also leave, it is not that far; in the summer just a laugh (= trifle, piece of cake)... half an hour by bike
  4. (colloquial, in the genitive, used adjectivally) ridiculous, insignificant, unimportant
    smiekla lietaridiculous, insignificant thing
    pirkt par smiekla cenu ― to buy (something) for a ridiculous, insignificant price
    par smiekla naudu te varēja iebaudīt cīsiņus ar kartupeļu biezeni ― for a ridiculous, insignificant (amount of) money one could here enjoy sausages with mashed potatoes


Usage notes

In the basic sense of "laugh", "laughter", the plural forms are almost always used instead of the singular forms.

Related terms

Derived terms

See also


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), smiekls”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7