Definition 2025




Alternative forms

  • sour-stuff, sour stuff


sourstuff (uncountable)

  1. (rare, nonstandard) That which is sour, especially to the taste.
  2. (dialectal) Vinegar. (Can we add an example for this sense?)

Etymology 2

From sour + stuff after German Sauerstoff (oxygen) and/or Dutch zuurstof (oxygen), both loose loan translations of French oxygène. See oxygen for more.


sourstuff (uncountable)

  1. (chemistry, nonstandard, science fiction, rare) Oxygen.
    • 1887, The Electrical journal - Volume 18 - Page 482:
      This is approximately the heat of exploding what the Germans call bang-gas (mixture of sourstuff and waterstuff), the result being liquid.
    • 1898, Analog science fiction/science fact - Volume 109 - Page 134:
      Thus, everyday sourstuff has eight neitherbits with its eight firstbits, [...]
    • 1976, Poul Anderson, Homebrew:
      For an outshow, the gang of water has two waterstuff unclefts bound to one sourstuff uncleft; the gang of rust has two iron and three sourstuff unclefts; [...]