Definition 2025


storm tide

See also: stormtide


Alternative forms


storm tide (plural storm tides)

  1. A rise in local sea level caused by the combination of regular tides and a storm surge.
    • Monthly weather review, U.S. Army Signal Corps, 1920
      At 8pm of the 27th there was 1.0 ft of storm tide at both Pensacola and Port Eads.
    • South Florida and Louisiana, August 23-26, 1992: Natural Disaster Survey -- Jennifer J. Wilson, James P. Travers, 1997 ISBN 0788130730
      Storm surge is water height above normal tide level. Storm tide is the water height relative to NGVD, the mean sea level of 1929.
    • All About Camille -- the Great Storm, Dan Ellis, 2000 ISBN 0967946409
      The advancing storm surge combines with the normal astronomical tide to create the storm tide.
    • Extreme events: a physical reconstruction and risk assessment, Jonathan Nott 2006 ISBN 0521824125
      Randomly selected cyclones are then run through a numerical storm tide model.

See also