subtropics pl (plural only)
- The region between the tropics and the temperate latitudes of the world.
the region between the tropics and the temperate latitudes of the world
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 亞熱帶 (zh), 亚热带 (zh) (yàrèdài)
- Danish: subtroper pl
- Finnish: subtrooppinen ilmasto
- French: subtropicales (fr) pl
- German: Subtropen pl
- Hebrew: סובטרופי (subtropi)
- Italian: clima subtropicale
- Japanese: 亜熱帯 (あねったい, anettai)
- Korean: 아열대 (ko) (ayeoldae) (亞熱帶 (ko))
- Navajo: honeezílígi
- Portuguese: subtrópicos m pl
- Russian: субтро́пики (ru) m pl (subtrópiki)
- Spanish: subtrópicos pl
- Vietnamese: cận nhiệt đới