Definition 2025
See also: svärs
Derived from svērt (“to weigh”) (q.v.), with stem vowel change (ē > a). Cognates include Lithuanian svãras (“weight, counterbalance, pound”), svarùs (“heavy; important”).[1]

Svari (3)
svars m (1st declension)
- (physics, usually singular) weight (force acting on a body in a gravitational field; specifically, force exerted by the Earth on other bodies in its vicinity)
- svara vektors ― weight vector
- satverot kādu priekšmetu rokās, tā smaguma spēku novērtējam kā priekšmeta svaru ― grasping an object in our hands, we estimate the force of gravity on it as the object's weight
- mass, weight (the amount of matter in a body)
- noteikt svaru ― to determine the weight
- svara mērvienības ― weight units
- saiņa svars ir 5 kg ― the weight of the package is 5 kg
- svara pieaugums ― weight gain, increase
- pieņemties, kristies svarā ― to gain, to lose weight
- bruto, neto svars ― gross, net weight
- svaru kategorija ― weight category (e.g., in boxing)
- (only plural) scales, balance (instrument for measuring weight)
- atsperu svari ― spring scales
- automātiskie, elektroniskie svari ― automatic, electronic scales
- aptiekas svari ― pharmacy scales
- svaru bumbas ― scales, balance weights (lit. balls)
- likt uz svariem ― to put (something) on the scales
Declension of svars (1st declension)
Usage notes
The words masa (“mass”) and svars (“weight”) are strictly distinct in physics, but generally used as near synonyms in everyday language.
Derived terms
- ↑ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), “svars”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7