Definition 2025





tabacosis (uncountable)

  1. (pathology) Chronic tobacco poisoning; poisoning brought about by excessive use of or exposure to tobacco, especially the occupational disease from inhaling the dust in cigar and tobacco factories.
    • 1873, The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, volume 88, page 222:
      In regard to tabacosis, only two cases have been observed by Zenker, and therefore the grounds are insufficient for an absolute opinion as to the connectino of cause and effect.
    • 1885, First Annual Report of State Inspector of Shops and Factories:
      There are but two autopsies of tobacco workers on record which could be considered cases of tabacosis and both of them are described by Zenker.
    • 2013, W. C. Hueper, Occupational and Environmental Cancers of the Respiratory System:
      Among the numerous occupational activities associated with an inhalation of dusts of vegetable and animal matter (cotton, hemp, sisal, cork, sugar cane, wood paper, silk, wool, animal hair, feathers, shellac), some of which give rise to progressive fibrosing pneumoconioses (byssinosis, bagassosis, etc.), only tabacosis has been related by epidemiologic evidence to cancer of the lung, while the possibility of such associations deserves consideration for shellac pneumoconiosis.

Coordinate terms