Definition 2025





ticams (def. ticamais; adv. ticami)

  1. which can or should be believed; indefinite present passive participle of ticēt 


ticams (def. ticamais, comp. ticamāks, sup. visticamākais; adv. ticami)

  1. believable; probable, likely; significant (which can be accepted as true; which seems likely to be true; which can be counted on)
    viņš ir aizgājis uz ezeru, tad vai nu peldējis, ticamāk gan, braucis ar kādu vecu laivu ― he is gone to the lake, so either he swam, or. more believably (= probably), he sailed with some old boat
    visticamāk, ka ar laiku tik tiešām kļūšu par biznesmeni, jo komunistiem jaunajās varas struktūrās acīmredzot vietas nebūs ― most believably (= probably, likely), I will in time really become a businessman, since communists will apparently have no place in the new power structures
    skaitļa tuvinājuma jebkuru ciparu sauc par ticamu, ja absolūtā kļūda nepārsniedz šim ciparam atbilstošās šķiras vienu vienību ― a digit in a numerical approximation is called significant if the absolute error does not exceed one unit of this digit's relative value
