Definition 2025



See also: trój-



troj f (plural trojes)

  1. garner
    La familia guarda frutos y cereales en la troj.
    The family stores fruit and cereal in the garner.
    • 1790, Alonso De Herrera, Agricultura General, que trata de la labranza del campo, y sus particularidades, volume 2, Don Josef de Urrutia, page 68:
      Guardanse tambien colgadas en trojes de trigo, y soterradas entre la cebada, ò entre paja despolvorada, y limpia.
      They are also kept hanging in wheat granaries, and buried in barley, or in clean and undusted straw.
  2. A storeroom specifically used to keep olives separately before being ground.
    Se guardaron las aceitunas dentro de las divisiones de la troj.
    The olives were kept within the partitions of the storeroom.
    • 1833, José Mariano Vallejo, Tratado sobre el movimiento y aplicaciones de las aguas, volume 2, D. Miguel de Burgos, page 423:
      [] ; estando en trojes de tabla se disminuye el aceite y se hace peor []
      [] ; being in plank storerooms, the amount of oil decreases and it becomes worse []


See also