Definition 2025






  1. incomes policy, income policy (economy-wide measures instituted by the government with the aim of controlling wages and inflation, often in collaboration with labor market organisations)


Inflection of tulopolitiikka (Kotus type 9/kala, kk-k gradation)
nominative tulopolitiikka tulopolitiikat
genitive tulopolitiikan tulopolitiikkojen
partitive tulopolitiikkaa tulopolitiikkoja
illative tulopolitiikkaan tulopolitiikkoihin
singular plural
nominative tulopolitiikka tulopolitiikat
accusative nom. tulopolitiikka tulopolitiikat
gen. tulopolitiikan
genitive tulopolitiikan tulopolitiikkojen
partitive tulopolitiikkaa tulopolitiikkoja
inessive tulopolitiikassa tulopolitiikoissa
elative tulopolitiikasta tulopolitiikoista
illative tulopolitiikkaan tulopolitiikkoihin
adessive tulopolitiikalla tulopolitiikoilla
ablative tulopolitiikalta tulopolitiikoilta
allative tulopolitiikalle tulopolitiikoille
essive tulopolitiikkana tulopolitiikkoina
translative tulopolitiikaksi tulopolitiikoiksi
instructive tulopolitiikoin
abessive tulopolitiikatta tulopolitiikoitta
comitative tulopolitiikkoineen

Usage notes

In Finland the main tool for implementing incomes policy from 1969 to 2007 was tulopoliittinen sopimus ("incomes policy agreement"), formally concluded between the labor market central organizations (työmarkkinakeskusjärjestö), i.e. the three trade union confederations (palkansaajakeskusjärjestö) SAK, STTK and, from 1995, Akava on one side and the employers' central organizations (työnantajakeskusjärjestö), currently EK, VTML, KT and KiSV on the other. Usually there were parallel government actions, such as tax cuts or legislation, which were conditional to an agreement which the government could approve.

Other terms used of the incomes policy agreement include tuloratkaisu, tulopoliittinen kokonaisratkaisu, tupo-sopimus, tupo, tupo-ratkaisu and palkkaratkaisu. The last may also be used more narrowly to refer only to the part of the agreement which concerns wages. On wage policy there have been three main lines: prosenttilinja, eurolinja and sekalinja, which refer to the way in which the agreed wage increase is distributed between the employees. An associated tax package, if any, may be called veroratkaisu.

In 2007 the employers refused to conclude an agreement but returned to central negotiation table in 2011, which resulted in raamisopimus or raamiratkaisu. In 2013, a new term was invented again: työllisyys- ja kasvusopimus.

An alternative for this type of centralized negotiation process (keskitetty neuvotteluprosessi) is a bargaining round (neuvottelukierros) in which every trade union negotiates for itself, or union-by-union bargaining (liittokohtainen neuvottelu, liittokierros).

Derived terms

See also