Definition 2025





tūnal (plural tujtūnal)

  1. sun
    Ne shupan muita ka ajkuikpa ini tunal
    In the rainy season the sun seems to be to the north
  2. day
    Ashan shumet shiktukakan, wan ankitasket, chikwey tunal ankipiasket sinti
    Now go plant it and you will see that in eight days you will have corn
  3. (possessed) soul, spirit
    Ina ne ukichwakash ne yejemet: «Ne ka ini kalaktuk, kichiwtuk yek. Ne ka panutuk ijpak ne kuat, ini kikwijtuk muchi ne itunal ini taltikpaktakat.»
    The bull said to them: “When he entered he did well. When he passed while riding the (giant) snake, it took all this human's soul

Derived terms

  • tajkutūnal (noon)
  • tūnalku (summer”, “dry season)
  • tūnalmīl (summer corn)
  • -tūnalwia (to sun)