Definition 2025






  1. An elastic band used in a children's jumping game called twistaus (twisting). The band is stretched on ankle-to-knee height between two players and one or more other players perform various sets of jumps which involve tricky handling of the band. When done skillfully and with speed the movements of players resemble sort of a dance; hence the name.


Inflection of twistnaru (Kotus type 1/valo, no gradation)
nominative twistnaru twistnarut
genitive twistnarun twistnarujen
partitive twistnarua twistnaruja
illative twistnaruun twistnaruihin
singular plural
nominative twistnaru twistnarut
accusative nom. twistnaru twistnarut
gen. twistnarun
genitive twistnarun twistnarujen
partitive twistnarua twistnaruja
inessive twistnarussa twistnaruissa
elative twistnarusta twistnaruista
illative twistnaruun twistnaruihin
adessive twistnarulla twistnaruilla
ablative twistnarulta twistnaruilta
allative twistnarulle twistnaruille
essive twistnaruna twistnaruina
translative twistnaruksi twistnaruiksi
instructive twistnaruin
abessive twistnarutta twistnaruitta
comitative twistnaruineen

Usage notes

In English the term "twistband" or "twist band" refers to an elastic hair tie used e.g. to make a ponytail.