Definition 2025


up line

See also: upline and up-line


Alternative forms


up line (plural up lines)

  1. A railway line on which trains travel towards a major terminus.
    • 1857 Alan J Day, Verena Hoffman - The Annual Register of World Events
      The down line was cleared about midnight, or nine hours after the accident, but the up line was not in a state to admit of the traffic being resumed until one o'clock on the next day.
    • 1842 Francis Whishaw - The Railways of Great Britain and Ireland Practically Described and Illustrated
      The number of down-trains daily is fifty-one, and up-trains fifty; the ropes, therefore, travel 155.25 miles on the up-line, and 158.35 miles on the down-line, or altogether 313.60 miles daily.
    • 1842 Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal
      . . . the engine, which continued its course till it reached Roade, when it was crossed from the down to the upline, and returned in safety to Wolverton.

See also
