Definition 2025
utbilda (present utbildar, preterite utbildade, supine utbildat, imperative utbilda)
- to educate, to instruct, to train
- to develop, to shape, to convert
- en fullt utbildad tumör
- a fully developed tumor
- General Electric utbildade en ny snabbströmbrytare för högspänning
- General Electric developed a new high-speed switch for high voltage
- Krönet är 360 m. långt och 14 m. brett samt utbildat till landsväg.
- The crest (of the Hoover dam) is 360 metres long and 14 metres wide and utilized as (turned into) a road.
- den s. k. oljefilmen, som utbildar sig mellan glidytorna
- the so-called oil film, that forms between the interacting surfaces
- en fullt utbildad tumör
Conjugation of utbilda
Usage notes
- The sense to develop was in frequent use in technical literature in the 1930s
Related terms
- utbildare
- utbildning