Definition 2025



See also: UTI, úti, utī, -uti, and u'ti




  1. indicating personal possession that is alienable or temporary.
    e.g. neqiutaa
    His meat (caught or stored/assigned by him), as opposed to neqaa which would mean purely "its or his flesh".


Pronunciation 1



  1. Alternative form of ut

Pronunciation 2



  1. present active infinitive of ūtor


  • uti in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • uti in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • Félix Gaffiot (1934), “uti”, in Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Paris: Hachette.
  • Meissner, Carl; Auden, Henry William (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • (ambiguous) to have favourable, contrary, winds: ventis secundis, adversis uti
    • (ambiguous) to enjoy good health: bona (firma, prospera) valetudine esse or uti (vid. sect. VI. 8., note uti...)
    • (ambiguous) to be ill, weakly: infirma, aegra valetudine esse or uti
    • (ambiguous) to excuse oneself on the score of health: valetudinis excusatione uti
    • (ambiguous) to find one's circumstances altered for the better (the worse): meliore (deteriore) condicione esse, uti
    • (ambiguous) to make use of, avail oneself of an opportunity: occasione uti
    • (ambiguous) to be fortunate, lucky: fortuna secunda uti
    • (ambiguous) to be favoured by Fortune; to bask in Fortune's smiles: fortunae favore or prospero flatu fortunae uti (vid. sect. VI. 8., note uti...)
    • (ambiguous) to experience the vicissitudes of fortune; to have a chequered career: varia fortuna uti
    • (ambiguous) to solace oneself with the thought..: hoc solacio frui, uti
    • (ambiguous) to be friendly with any one: uti aliquo amico
    • (ambiguous) to be on very intimate terms with..: uti aliquo familiariter
    • (ambiguous) to act in accordance with one's convictions: suo iudicio uti
    • (ambiguous) to adopt half-measures: mediocribus consiliis uti
    • (ambiguous) to go one's own way, proceed independently: suo consilio uti
    • (ambiguous) to receive instruction from some one: disciplina alicuius uti, magistro aliquo uti
    • (ambiguous) to quote an example: exemplo uti
    • (ambiguous) to have as authority for a thing: auctore aliquo uti ad aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to make a joke: ioco uti (Off. 1. 29. 103)
    • (ambiguous) to make witty remarks: facetiis uti, facetum esse
    • (ambiguous) to employ carefully chosen expressions: lectissimis verbis uti (De Or. 3. 37)
    • (ambiguous) to employ a comparison, simile: simili uti
    • (ambiguous) to possess presence of mind: praesenti animo uti (vid. sect. VI. 8, note uti...)
    • (ambiguous) to behave with cruelty: crudelitate uti (vid. sect. VI. 8, note uti...)
    • (ambiguous) to use threats: minis uti
    • (ambiguous) to be endowed with reason: ratione praeditum esse, uti
    • (ambiguous) to behave with moderation: temperantia uti
    • (ambiguous) to have no principles: omnia temere agere, nullo iudicio uti
    • (ambiguous) to enjoy a person's hospitality: hospitio alicuius uti
    • (ambiguous) to be on intimate terms with some one: uti aliquo (familiariter)
    • (ambiguous) to be on intimate terms with some one: alicuius familiaritate uti
    • (ambiguous) to grant a people its independence: populum liberum esse, libertate uti, sui iuris esse pati
    • (ambiguous) to use some one's evidence: aliquo teste uti
    • (ambiguous) to use javelins at a distance, swords at close quarters: eminus hastis, comminus gladiis uti
    • (ambiguous) to fight successfully: proeliis secundis uti



uti f

  1. accusative singular form of uts
  2. instrumental singular form of uts




  1. visible



ut + i


  • Rhymes: -iː



  1. (dated) in (location)




uti (u-ovi class, plural oviti)

  1. tree