
Intestinal tract, with the vermiform appendix highlighted.
vermiform appendix (plural vermiform appendices or vermiform appendixes)
- (anatomy) An organ consisting of a blind tube projecting from the caecum, without a known function.
Derived terms
blind tube projecting from the caecum
- Arabic: اَلزَّائِدَة اَلدُّودِيَّة f (az-zāʾida d-dūdiyya), اَلْمُصْرَان اَلْأَعْوَر m (al-muṣrān al-ʾaʿwar)
- Egyptian Arabic: الزايدة الدودية f (e-zayda e-dudeya), المصران الأعور m (el muṣraan el ʔaʕwar)
- Catalan: apèndix vermiforme (ca) m
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 闌尾 (zh), 阑尾 (zh) (lánwěi)
- Czech: slepé střevo (cs) n
- Finnish: umpilisäke (fi)
- French: appendice iléo-cæcal m, appendice vermiculaire m