Definition 2025


web design



web design (uncountable)

  1. The trade of a web designer; the creation of web pages, especially in terms of layout and presentation rather than functionality.
    • 1996, Ruffin Prevost, The Web Design Style Guide: How to Create a Smash Hit Web Site, title:
      The Web Design Style Guide: How to Create a Smash Hit Web Site
    • 2000, Birgitte Andersen, Knowledge and Innovation in the New Service Economy, page 72:
      Still others are firms already established in other creative sectors, which offer Web design services to their clients as part of their portfolio of services.
    • 2015, Dan Rose, Responsive Web Design with Adobe Photoshop, page 85:
      As relatively new as responsive web design is to us designers, it's even newer and often completely unfamiliar to our clients, which means we need to take every opportunity to weave in the concept.
