Webster 1913 Edition
A plant which keeps its leaves green through the winter.
☞ In England, the name wintergreen is applied to the species of
which in America are called English wintergreen
, and shin leaf
(see Shin leaf, under Shin
.) In America, the name wintergreen is given to Gaultheria procumbens
, a low evergreen aromatic plant with oval leaves clustered at the top of a short stem, and bearing small white flowers followed by red berries; – called also checkerberry
, and sometimes, though improperly, partridge berry
. Definition 2025
wintergreen (plural wintergreens)
- (obsolete) Any evergreen plant.
- One of various unrelated evergreen plants, including:
- Plants in shrub genus Gaultheria, commonly known as wintergreen, especially:
- Gaultheria procumbens, native to North America, having solitary white flowers and aromatic leaves (checkerberry or teaberry)
- Gaultheria humifusa – alpine wintergreen
- Gaultheria ovatifolia – western teaberry or Oregon spicy wintergreen
- Chimaphila maculata – striped wintergreen
- Plants in any of several genera in the herbaceous family Ericaceae, including:
- Genus Pyrola, native to northern temperate and Arctic regions.
- Genus Orthilia
- Genus Moneses
- Genus Chimaphila (prince's pine)
- Some species of the herbaceous genus Trientalis, in family Primulaceae {chickweed wintergreen)
- Plants in shrub genus Gaultheria, commonly known as wintergreen, especially:
- The spicy red berries of Gaultheria procumbens.
- The oil, methyl salicylate, obtained from these berries.
- The aroma of the oil, methyl salicylate, however derived.
- (perennial of the genus Pyrola): shinleaf
- (Gaultheria procumbens): boxberry, checkerberry, partridgeberry, spiceberry, teaberry
Derived terms
Derived terms
Related terms
Related terms
evergreen — see evergreen
evergreen perennial of the genus Pyrola
Gaultheria procumbens