Definition 2025



See also: yere, ȝere, and ye're




  1. (obsolete, rare) Contraction of ye were.
    • 1702, Charles Sedley, The Works of Sir Charles Sedley, Bart, page #6:
      Pardon me, Sir, my Bluntneſs muſt go on ;
      By barb’rous Fears and Counſels y’ere undone.
    • 1709, Robert Gould, A Satyr against the Pride, Luſt, and Inconſtancy, &c. of Woman, page #8:
      Rivers adorn the Earth ; the Fiſh, the Seas ;
      Flowers and Graſs, the Meadows ; Fruit and Trees ;
      The Starts, the Fields of Air thro’ which they ride ;
      And Woman all the Works of God beſide ;
      Yet baſe detracting Envy won’t allow
      They ſhould adorn themſelves ; then pray, Sir, now
      Produce ſome reaſons why y’ere ſo ſevere ;
      For envious as you are, you know they’re Fair.