Definition 2025


y am hynny

Middle Welsh


y am hynny

  1. in addition, as well
    • Pwyll Pendeuic Dyuet:
      Sef ual yd eistedyssont, Heueyd Hen ar neill law Pwyll, a Riannon o’r parth arall idaw; y am hynny pawb ual y bei y enryded.
      This is how they sat, Hefeydd Hen on one side of Pwyll, and Rhiannon on the other; in addition, everyone as their rank might be.
      Y neuad ynteu a gyweirwyt y Pwyll a’e niuer, ac y niuer y llys y am hynny.
      The hall, however, was set in order for Pwyll and his retinue, and for the retinue of the palace as well.