Definition 2025





ziņkārs (def. ziņkārais, comp. ziņkārāks, sup. visziņkārākais; adv. ziņkāri)

  1. curious, inquisitive (having a strong desire to see, hear, learn, explore; desiring to acquire knowledge)
    ziņkārs bērnscurious, inquisitive child
    viņš palūkojas papīros uz Kārļa Zemīša galda un noprasa ziņkārs: vai tiek ražots kaut kas lielāks? varbūt romāns? ― he looked at the papers on Kārlis Zemītis' table and asked, curious: was something bigger produced? maybe a novel?
    normālās meitenes, viena apsviedīgāka, otra stostīga, viena čalīga un ziņkāra, cita sevī ierāvusies ― normal (= average) girls, one smarter, the other stammering, one diligent and curious, the other withdrawn# curious, inquisitive (such that it expresses the desire to know, to learn)
    ziņkāras aciscurious eyes
    ziņkārs skatienscurious look
    ziņkārs jautājumscurious, inquisitive question
    ziņkāra dabacurious, inquisitive nature
    ziņkāras balsis cenšas izvaicāt vecos strēlniekus, kurp mums būs jāiet, bet tie izvairās no atbildesinquisitive voices trying to ask the old riflemen (about) where we would have to go, but they avoided answering
    kad tu parādies ielās, tev allaž seko pulciņš ļauzu; ziņkārie, kas pētī, no kurienes tu nāc un uz kurieni ej ― when you appear on the streets, you are always followed by a small group of people; curious (people) who try to find out where you are coming from and where you are going



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