Definition 2025



See also: zvaigznē


Zvaigznes (1)
Zvaigzne (2)


zvaigzne f (5th declension)

  1. (astronomy) star (celestial body mostly composed of light gases that irradiates light)
    spožas zvaigznes ― bright stars
    divkāršā, dvīņu zvaigzne ― double, twin star
    vairākkārtīga zvaigzne ― multiple star
    primā lieluma zvaigzne ― first magnitude star
    rīta, vakara zvaigzne ― morning, evening star (i.e., Venus)
    krītoša zvaigzne ― falling star
    mūsu zvaigžņu sistēma - Galaktika - izveidojās pirms 10-15 miljardiem gadu ― our star system - the Galalxy (= Milky Way) - was formed 10-15 billion years ago
  2. (geometry) star (object, drawing, geometric shape formed by regularly spaced points or protrusions)
    piecstūru zvaigzne ― five-point, pentagonal star
    Triju Zvaigžņu ordenis ― the Order of the Three Stars
    jūras zvaigzne, jūraszvaigzneeātra starfish (lit. sea star)
  3. (of people) star, celebrity (a famous, outstandingly talented person in a certain area, especially in the performing arts)
    baleta, teātra zvaigzne ― ballet, theater star
    kino zvaigzne, kinozvaigzne, filmu zvaigzne ― movie star
    sporta zvaigzne ― sports star
    vecos laikos nereti gadījās, ka, aizstājot kādu saslimušu premjeru vai primadonnu, pēkšņi uzausa mākslā jauna zvaigzne ― in the old days it often happened that a new star dawned in (the performing) arts by replacing a sick actor or prima donna



Derived terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), zvaigzne”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7