Definition 2025



See also: iss, ISS, íss, İSS, -iss, and -iss-



īss (def. īsais, comp. īsāks, sup. visīsākais; adv. īsi)

  1. short (having relatively little length, less than average length)
    īsas piedurknesshort sleeves
    īsa pātagashort whip
    īsi svārkishort skirt
    īsie viļņi, īsviļņishortwaves
    īss stāsts, dzejolis — short story, poem
  2. short, laconic
    īsos vārdos ― in short, in sum, briefly (lit. in short words)
  3. short, brief (lasting relatively little time, having relatively little duration; syn. neilgs)
    pēc īsiem saules mirkļiem ― after brief moments of sun(shine)
    ziemas dienas ir īsas ― winter days are short
    īsa izrādeshort show
    īss koncertsshort concert
    īsa sarunashort conversation
  4. short (which goes, ends quickly, insufficiently long)
    dzīve taču ir tik īsa kā decembra diena ― but life is as short as a December day
    bišu mūžs ir īss, tikai daži mēneši ― bee life is short, only a few months
  5. (of feelings, states, relations) short-lived, insufficient
    mana laime bija īsa' ― my happiness was short
  6. (phonetics, phonology) short (pronounced with relatively little duration)
    īss patskanisshort vowel
    īsa zilbeshort syllable
  7. short, brief (lasting only a few moments)
    īss svilpiensshort whistle
    īsa skaņa, nopūtashort sound, sigh
  8. (of motion) short, quick (small, but fast)
    ar īsu žestu tas aicināja viņu apsēsties sev pretim ― with a short, quick gesture that one invited him to sit down next to him



Derived terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), īss”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7