Definition 2025



Ancient Greek


-τῐκός (-tikós) (feminine -τῐκή, neuter -τῐκόν)

  1. Added to verbal stems to form adjectives: relating to, suited to, skilled in, able to, -ive
    ποιέω (poiéō, to make) + -τικός (-tikós)ποιητικός (poiētikós, creative)
  2. Added to other stems to form adjectives, particularly those ending in vowels
    ἔξω (éxō, outside) + -τικός (-tikós)ἐξωτικός (exōtikós, foreign)
    ναυ-ς (nau-s, ship) + -τικός (-tikós)ναυτικός (nautikós, seafaring)

Usage notes

Certain sound changes happen before the suffix, as before other derivational or inflectional suffixes beginning in τ (t). Labial stops β, π, φ (b, p, ph) become π (p), dental stops δ, θ, τ (d, th, t) become σ (s), velar stops γ, κ, χ (g, k, kh) become κ (k).

Contracted verbs, which have stems ending in a vowel, use the long form of the vowel this happens, for instance, in the example above: ποιέ (poié) ποιη-τικός (poiē-tikós).


Derived terms

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  • Smyth, Herbert Weir (1920), “Part III: Formation of Words”, in A Greek grammar for colleges, Cambridge: American Book Company, § 858