Webster 1913 Edition



The act of releasing, as from confinement or obligation.

Webster 1828 Edition



The act of releasing from confinement or obligation.

Definition 2025





releasement (plural releasements)

  1. (obsolete) release, the act of releasing or letting something go.
    • 1824, Robert Kerr, A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Vol. II:
      On his releasement from prison, he learned that the beloved cause of his persecution had been forced to marry a nobleman, whose name he could not discover, but who had carried her to his castle near Bristol.
    • 1895, Alban Butler, The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints:
      St. Eulogius himself was obliged by the persecutors to live always, after his releasement, with the treacherous bishop Reccafred, that wolf in sheep's clothing.
    • 1893, James Cook, Captain Cook's Journal During the First Voyage Round the World:
      Immediately upon getting this information I dispatch'd Mr. Hicks away in the Long boat with a strong party of men to rescue them but before he went Tootaha and the other Chiefs was made to understand that they must send some of their People with Mr. Hicks to shew him the place where our men were, and at the same time to send orders for their immediate releasement, for if any harm came to the men they (the Chiefs) would suffer for it; and I believe at this time they wished as much to see the Men return in safety as I did, for the guides conducted Mr. Hicks to the place before daylight, and he recovered the men without the least opposition, and return'd with them about 7 o'Clock in the morning of Tuesday, 11th.
  2. The exorcism of an outworldly spirit from someone.